Jodi Lacroix is an experienced Orthodontic Dental Technician. She has worked in the lab since 1986, where she received intensive and expert training from her husband John on the fabrication of all orthodontic appliances. Jodi is dedicated to continuing forward with the high-quality workmanship and the on-time delivery of the orthodontic appliances from Mountain Vista Orthodontic Studio, Ltd.
John Lacroix was the founder and Lab Manager of Mountain Vista Ortho Lab. John held a CDT in Orthodontics for 30 years. For six years, John also served as a National Board for Certification Examiner in all areas of Dental Technology. John had been involved in Dental Technology since 1974, when he was one of two people chosen from a field of over 2,000 candidates to participate in a Management/Technical Apprenticeship at Shaw Laboratories in Toronto, Canada. He wrote an Orthodontic technical column for the Colorado Dental Lab Association newsletter for several years. John passed away in 2014.