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Space Maintainers: We offer a variety of fixed Space Maintainers, from the traditional continuous loop form, to the Single Arm Space Maintainer (SASM).

This is a continuous loop Unilateral Space Maintainer. The wire is soldered to both the buccal and lingual surfaces of the band.


These are Single Arm Space Maintainers (SASMs), with an adjustment loop. The loop is soldered to the buccal of the band. They are easier to adjust than a unilateral Space Maintainer, especially if the space closes in the mouth between impression time and delivery date.


This is a Distal Shoe. It is used in instances when the second premolar is lost before the first molar has erupted and the space must be maintained. The vertical portion of the bar is placed below the tissue, in contact with the mesial portion of the unerupted molar.


The Dentist should mark the impression with an indelible line, denoting the mesial position of the unerupted molar. A quadrant x-ray negative may also be sent, to help us determine proper placement of the Distal Shoe.

Lingual Arches: We offer a variety of different designs for Lingual Arches, both active and passive. Here are a few of our designs.

This is a Mandibular Lingual Arch with adjustment loops mesial to the banded teeth and is easy to seat and to adjust. This design can also be used on the Maxillary arch. Extra care must be taken to ensure that there is enough anterior lingual space to accommodate the wire and that the lower anterior teeth do not contact the wire.


This is a Traditional Lingual Arch. If a space mesial to a banded tooth closes, it can be difficult to seat this appliance design, as there are no loops to adjust to compensate for the space closure.


TPA’s/ Nances: A TPA (Trans Palatal Arch) is an ideal appliance to hold maxillary first molars in position without loss of space if premolars are lost prematurely.

This is a TPA appliance, shown here with a midline omega loop. The loop allows for minor contouring and adjustment of the appliance.


This is a TPA without the omega loop. It is less easy to adjust if there is any tissue impingement after seating by the body wire.


A Nance is another good appliance to maintain maxillary arch length and first molar position. This is a Nance with adjustment loops.


This is a Nance without adjustment loops. If the acrylic button is not making good contact with the soft tissue, it is difficult to adjust, due to the lack of adjustment loops.


Bands & Auxillaries: We offer banding services for pedo posterior teeth and adult molars and premolars. We DO NOT stock or fit stainless steel crowns for casts.

Fixed Expanders: Bands are available at an extra charge on Fixed Expanders.

This is a Compact Hyrax with 2 occlusal rests, for use in cases with mixed dentition. It has a narrower screw body than a standard Hyrax, as well as 2 legs rather than 4. It also has a single guide pin, rather than 2.


This is a Compact Hyrax without occlusal rests. It has the same design as the previous Hyrax minus the occlusal rests, and is used for cases with mixed dentition where the first premolars are under erupted or not present.


This is a standard Hyrax, for use in cases with permanent dentition. It has a wider body than the Compact Hyrax, as well as 2 guide pins and 4 legs.

Other Hyrax designs are available, such as a bondable style. Occlusal rests can also be added to the standard Hyrax.

Various auxiliaries, such as reverse pull face mask hook can be added to any of these Hyrax designs.


This is our standard maxillary Quad Helix appliance. It can also be made as a mandibular appliance.


The Pendex appliance is one of the most used appliances of the Pendulum Appliance family. It incorporates an expansion screw, occlusal rests and TMA springs for molar distalization. Lingual sheaths are welded to molar bands to effect distalization of the molars.

The example shown here has double legged rests on the 4s. It is often made with single legged rests on the 4s & 5s.

Lingual sheaths are available at an extra charge.

We also offer a Standard Pendulum Appliance, which is much like the Pendex, but without the expansion screw.


Habit Appliances: Bands are available at an extra charge on Habit Appliances.

This is a Bluegrass habit appliance. It is used for the treatment of thumb sucking. The roller between cuspids/premolars is made of Teflon. The roller and/or this habit appliance are sometimes referred to as a “tongue toy”.


This is a Horizontal Fence habit appliance. It is used for the treatment of thumb sucking.


This is a Vertical Fence habit appliance. It is sometimes called a “fence” or “gate” appliance. It is used for the treatment of tongue thrust or thumb sucking.


This is a Combo Fence habit appliance. It has both a horizontal & vertical fence in the same appliance. It is a more aggressive appliance approach to correction of the unwanted thumb and tongue habits.

We also offer prong type habit appliances, fabricated according to the specific design submitted.


Spring Retainers: A Spring Retainer is an excellent appliance for minor tooth movement, or as a final finishing retainer after full ortho treatment. In the case of tooth crowding, interproximal enamel reduction will be necessary. Spring Retainers can be used on both the maxillary and mandibular arches.

This is a mandibular Spring Retainer.

When one or more incisors are in a lingualized position, it may be necessary to use a Double Spring Retainer, which has an anterior wire-aided acrylic segment to allow for better initial seating of the appliance and better end results.


Hawleys & Retainers: These are our hawleys, both maxillary and circumferential, and invisible retainers.

This is a standard maxillary Hawley appliance, with Adams clasps for retention. It can be made with full palatal coverage, as shown, or with a horseshoe plate.

The Hawley pictured is an active appliance. The labial wire is set in an ideal arch form and lingual springs can be used to align the teeth.

We also make passive Hawley appliances, which have the labial wire contoured to touch the labial surfaces of the incisors. The passive design makes it a retainer, as it would be designed to hold or retain the teeth in position.


This is a maxillary Circumferential Retainer, sometimes called a Hawley Wrap Appliance. It can be made as an active or a passive appliance. This one pictured above is active, with closing springs on the centrals to help close a diastema.


This is an Invisible Retainer. It is fabricated from a .040” acrylic blank directly on to the master model, using a Biostar© thermoforming machine. The adaptation and fit of the retainer are superb.


Removable Expanders: We offer appliances, such as the Schwartz and the Nord for transverse expansion. We offer the Sagittal and Shammy for distalization.

This is a maxillary Schwartz with auxiliary closings springs on the laterals. It can be made in various forms, with and without auxiliaries.


This is another form of a maxillary Schwartz. It is fabricated with two transverse expansion screws. Some Dentists like this design for adult patients.


This is a maxillary Sagittal appliance with auxiliary cuspid wires to aid in bringing the cuspids into proper arch position.


This is a mandibular Sagittal appliance. Unlike a maxillary appliance, it does not have occlusal coverage. While there can be a small amount of distalization attained with this appliance, generally the development is in the anterior segment of the arch.

We offer a wide selection of springs, clasps, hooks, screws, and other auxiliaries for all our Removable Expanders.


Bonded Wires: These are our braided bonded wire options.

This is a 3x3 braided wire. The wire can be bonded to each anterior tooth, as desired.


This is a 3x3 wire with pads on the 3s. It is usually bonded to the 3s only.


Splints: We offer a variety of splints.

This is a TMJ Splint, designed to support and stabilize the joints and muscles to prevent malocclusion, or the incorrect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed. Cuspid rise and protrusive function are included with the fabrication of the splint.

We also make night guards with prevent tooth damage and reduce instances of tooth grinding.


This is a Dual Laminate Splint, composed of two distinct layers of ethylene-vinyl acetate, and has a soft inner and a harder outer layer. These splints are easy to fit and offer greater resistance to occlusal forces than the entirely soft occlusal appliances. Patient compliance is excellent. Cuspid rise and protrusive function are included with the fabrication of these splints.
